ADnD 1st Ed. Play-by-Post Game

Soldier & Owl Tavern


From the bitter, wind-swept steppes of the Endless Waste to the storm-lashed cliffs of the Sword Coast stretches a wide, wild land of shining kingdoms and primal wilderness, Faerûn is only one continent of the world known as Toril. Other lands lie in distant corners of the world, but Faerun is the center of it all, the crossroads and crux upon which all else turns. Dozens of nations, hundreds of city-states, and countless tribes, villages, and settlements dot its expanse.The continent of Faerûn is a landmass of approximately nine and a half million square miles, located mainly in the northern hemisphere of the world of Toril. Sub-arctic extremes chill its northern reaches, where ice sheets like the Great Glacier dominate the landscape in blinding white. To the south are the equatorial jungles of Chult and the tropical coasts of Halruaa. It’s bordered on the west by the Trackless Sea and on the east by the Endless Wastes and the Hordelands that separate it from Kara-Tur. Faerûn is an open land full of kingdoms and empires, large and small, and scattered city-states and villages struggling to make their way in a landscape that can be unforgiving wilderness one mile and cosmopolitan city the next.Countless millions of humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and other sentient beings call Faerûn home. It is a land of magic and intrigue, cruel violence and divine compassion, where gods have ascended and died, and millennia of warfare and conquests have shaped dozens of unique cultures.


Something dark is rising in The Shaar Desolation in South Faerun. The dwarves of Underwatch have not been heard from in months. A small human child of about 10 years of age was found wandering in the Border Kingdoms. She was unable to hear or speak. It was determined her affliction was magically induced. She has been brought to Waterdeep by clerics in hopes of finding someone who can break the spell cast upon her.

The journey to Waterdeep has been wrought with peril, reducing the number of the escort party from over 20 to 3 bedraggled clerics. A call has gone out calling for brave, enlightened souls to assist the clerics in their task of bringing the child to the Monastery of the Yellow Rose in search of The Great Cleric. This call for aid has went across Faerun to guilds throughout Faerun. The call has been urgent. The threat of the darkness rising The Shaar Desolation threatens everyone on the continent. Heralds have flooded the streets of Waterdeep in search of brave adventurers up to the task at hand.

The Faerun Adventures PBP Game thread will be played on Dragonsfoot (link below)



Game Rules:

Game rules and character generation will be based upon a recreation of the 1st edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragon. The link below will take you to where you can download a free pdf file of the rules for OSRIC.


Character Creation:

There are several options for players to use in creating a character. One of the simplest is using a character generation app located at First Edition AD&D Character Generator. There are some NPCs that are available for players to adopt, currently the ones that are available are The Wandering Druid and The Great Cleric. I will be working basic character sheets for them soon. Finally, I can roll up a set of three groups of stats you can choose one from to use for your character.

Other helpful links to assist with rounding out your character are Explore Forgotten Realms, Forgotten Realms Help, List of Forgotten Realms Deities, Forgotten Realms Languages and Fantasy Name Generators

It is also encouraged that players submit a picture of their character along with their completed character sheet. If you are unable to come up with anything you want to use, talk to the GM and I can direct you to sites where you can find pictures.

Character Races Allowed:

Monastery of the Yellow Rose




Half Elves




The Great Cleric

Character Classes Allowed:






Magic User 




Multi-Classing and Dual-Classing 

Characters Starting Hit Points & Gold:

Characters are allowed to start with max base hit points and gold allowed for each class. Special rules apply for multi-class & dual-class characters to be discussed with the GM.

Assassin HPs: 6 GP: 120
Cleric HPs: 8 GP: 180
Druid HPs: 8 GP: 180
Fighter HPs: 10 GP: 200
Illusionist HPs: 4 GP: 80
Magic User HPs: 4 GP: 80
Paladin HPs: 10 GP: 200
Ranger: HPs: 16 GP: 200
Thief HPs: 6 GP: 120

As characters level up high-average for hit points above 1st will be used based upon the following format:

For multiclass the standard 1e rule is halve the roll & round up, so

The Nine Alignments:

Nine distinct alignments define all the possible combinations of the law–chaos axis with the good–evil axis. Remember that individuals vary from this norm, and that a given character may act more or less in accord with his or her alignment from day to day. Use these descriptions as guidelines, not as scripts. NOTE: Rangers are restricted to only Good alignments(Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good), Paladins are restricted to Lawful Good Alignment, and Druids are restricted to Neutral Alignment.

Lawful Good, “Crusader”: A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. Generally, lawful good characters seek to combine the values of both honour and compassion.

Neutral Good, “Benefactor”: A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. Neutral good characters value doing what is good without a particular bias for or against order (or laws).

Chaotic Good, “Rebel”: A chaotic good character acts as his orher conscience directs, with little regard for what others might expect. Chaotic good characters value the combination of a good heart with a free spirit.

Lawful Neutral, “Judge”: A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him.They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes, advocating and supporting neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run.

Chaotic Neutral, “Free Spirit”: A chaotic neutral character follows his or her whims. A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his or her behaviour is not normally totally random.

Lawful Evil, “Dominator”: A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he or she wants within the limits of his or her code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. Lawful evil is sometimes called “diabolical,” because devils are the epitome of lawful evil.

Neutral Evil, “Malefactor”: A neutral evil villain does whatever he or she can get away with. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies.

Chaotic Evil, “Destroyer”: A chaotic evil character does whatever his or her greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. Chaotic evil represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.

Equipment, Armor, Weapons,& Spells:

In order to purchase equipment, armor, and weapons, as well as select spells for those classes that are capable of using them, this is why you need to download the pdf file for OSRIC mentioned earlier. Equipment starts on page 28 and spells start on page 35. Once your character sheet is complete, email it to the gm at for approval. Be sure to include your character pic with your character sheet. A copy of the blank character sheet is below.

Mute & deaf child from the Border Lands
Blank Character Sheet:

Character Name:
Languages: (Characters automatically know their native language and Common Tongue. Please choose bonus languages from link posted Character Creation)
Hit Points:
Special Abilities:
Starting Gold:



Rexx Vartal of Luskan

1. Name: Rexx Vartal of Luskan (Simon PC)
Class: Ranger
Race: Human
Language: Common, Illuskan (native tongue), Daraktan/Orc, Ghukliak/Goblin, Jotun/Giant
Level: 1 XPs: 1,600/2,225
Alignment: Chaotic Good
AC: 3/4
Hit Points: 16 (maxed)
STR 18/01 (+1,+3) DEX 12 CON 13 INT 13 WIS 14 CHA 12
Appearance: 6'4", piercing blue-grey eyes, blond hair, leanly muscled, deeply tanned from his years at sea. Rexx keeps his face clean shaven.
Age: 24
Background: Born a whore's son (his father rumoured to be one of the five High Captains of Luskan), Rexx was once a freebooter of Luskan on the northern Sword Coast. On his third voyage Rexx grew disgusted with the life of piracy when his captain ordered the massacre of an innocent village in the Moonshae Islands. On return to Luskan, Rexx abandoned his ship and the city, taking to the forests, where he encountered a wandering Uthgardt holy man, Zothor, beset by orc raiders. Rexx plunged into the battle, and together they defeated the orcs. The two became friends, Zothor taught him the ways of the woodlands, the teachings of Zothor's goddess Mielikki, and a new respect for all life. Eventually it came time for Rexx to set out on his own again. Determined to avenge the crimes of his past life - and have some fun doing it - Rexx headed south...
THAC0: 20
Weapon: Twin hand axes (x2 Specialisation +3,+3) (-2/-4 for 2 weapon fighting)
Main Hand: +4 1wf (+2 2wf) to hit, d6/d4+6 damage, Attacks 3/2
Off Hand: +0 to hit, damage d6/d4+6, Attacks +1
Thrown axes: +4 to hit, d6/d4+6 damage, FR 3/2, range 10'/20'/30'
Non proficiency penalty: -2
SA: Adds level to damage vs evil humanoids (orcs, goblins, giants etc)
Alert - surprised 1 in 6, surprise 3 in 6, Tracking base 90%.
Sea of Swords
6 hand axes (6gp)
Shortbow (15gp)
12 arrows (2gp)
quiver (holds 12 arrows) (1gp)
Banded mail (90gp)
Horse, rouncy (25gp)
saddle & stirrups (10gp)
bullseye lantern (12gp)
small shield (10gp)
1 pint lamp oil (1 sp)
Wealth: 42 gp, 9 sp

2. Name: Dara Huntinghawk of Elven Court (Roxy PC)

Dara Huntinghawk of Elven Court
Class: Ranger
Race: Or-Tel'Quessir (Wood Elf)
Language: Common, Espruar/Elvish Common, Or'Tel'Quessan/Wood Elvish(native), Gnoll(Sylvan), Gnim/Gnome, Ghukliak/Goblin & Hobgoblin, Luiric/Halfling, Daraktan/Orcish
Level: 1 XPs: 1,600/2,215
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Solonor Thelandira (elven god of hunting, archery, and survival in wild and harsh places)
AC: 5/8
Hit Points: 16
STR 13 DEX (16) 17 (+2/+2/-3) CON (15) 14 INT 12 WIS 16 (+2) CHA 12
Appearance: 5'0", vibrant green eyes, copper red hair, coppery tanned skin, physically strong, frail appearing according to human standards. Scar on her right thigh from an Orc blade wielded by a bugbear in High Forest.
Age: 153
Background: Dara is the fraternal twin to Kirion Huntinghawk (Subaltari PC), both were born to parents who descended from the founding elves of Elven Court and Myth Drannor. Family legend has it that one of her paternal ancestors was The Heart of Cormanthor before the drow elves took over the great forest of her ancestry. Both parents were rangers who swore to protect the last of the forests that surround the Old Elven Court from destruction by other races. She chose to follow her parents’ paths as a ranger at an early age and has just finished her apprenticeship. It is now her goal to stop the darkness that is spreading from the south and threatening to consume the north.
THAC0: 20
Missile Weapon (Specialization): Longbow (specialize) +1 to hit +2 damage and extra 1 shot per 2 rounds, (racial bonus) any pulled bow +1 to hit, (Dex bonus) +2 to hit
Melee Weapon: Long sword (racial bonus) Longsword and short sword +1 to hit
Non proficiency penalty: -2
Summary of Elven Racial abilities:
• +1 dexterity, -1 constitution
• 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells
• Any pulled bow: +1 to hit
• Longsword and short sword: +1 to hit
• Languages: Common, elven, gnoll, gnomish, goblin, halfling, hobgoblin, orcish
• Infravision: 60 ft.
• Detect secret doors: 1 in 6 chance to notice secret doors when passing within 10 ft., 2 in 6 chance to discover secret doors when searching, and 3 in 6 chance to discover concealed doors when searching.
• Surprise: 4 in 6 chance to surprise when travelling in nonmetal armor and alone, or more than 90 ft. in advance of others, or with a party entirely consisting of elves and/or halflings. If a door must be opened (or some similar task), the chance of surprise drops to 2 in 6.
SA: Adds level to damage vs evil humanoids (orcs, goblins, giants etc)
Alert - surprised 1 in 6, surprise 3 in 6, Tracking base 90%.

Long bow (60gp)
12 arrows (2gp)
Quiver (holds 12 arrows) (1gp)
Elven Court Sword (long) & scabbard (15gp)
Leather armor (5gp)
Horse, rouncy, mare (25gp)
Saddle & stirrup (10gp)
Reins, bit & bridle (2gp)
50ft. hemp rope (1gp)
Flint & steel (1gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Bedroll (5sp)
Hooded cloak (3cp)
Soft boots (1gp)
Small saddle pack (3gp)

Dagger (2gp)
Wealth: 7 gp, 5sp, 97cp

3. Name: Kirion Huntinghawk of Elven Court (Subaltari PC)
Class: Magic-user/Thief multiclass
Kirion Huntinghawk of Elven Court
Levels: 1st/1st XP: 1000/2482.5 & 1000/1232.5

Race: Or-Tel'Quessir (Wood Elf)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Solonor Thelandira (elven god of hunting, archery, and survival in wild and harsh places).
Armor Class: 5 (8)
Hit Points: 5
STR 16 (0, +1) DEX 17 (+2, +2, -3) CON 14 INT 15 (4) WIS 8 CHA 12 (5)
Appearance: 5'4", 104#; dark emerald eyes, shoulder-length brown hair, swarthy tanned skin; strong but short, quick, and wiry according to human standards. Resembles his sister Dara in the eyes and facial structure only.
Age: 153.
Languages: Or-Tel’Qessir (wood elf), Chondathan (Westlands), Common, Daraktan (orcish), Espruar (elven), Ghukliak (goblin), Gnim, Luiric (halfling), Sylvan (gnoll), Seldruin (lost magical tongue of elvenkind)
Background: Kirion is the fraternal twin of Dara Huntinghawk (DM PC), both descended from the founding elves of Elven Court and Myth Drannor. Family legend has it that one of their paternal ancestors was The Heart of Cormanthor himself, before the drow elves took over the great forest of their ancestry. The twins’ parents were Rangers who swore to protect the last of the forests that surround the Old Elven Court from destruction by evil races. While his sister followed dutifully in the path of their parents, Kirion instead developed the magical gifts of the Fey at an early age, and was later accepted by a small order of wood-elf scouts who trained him in ways of stealth and trickery beyond what the Rangers practiced. Kirion has always been rather protective of his sister Dara (who is neither younger nor weaker than him), though he can also be impetuous and carefree in his own right. Years before Dara neared the end of her apprenticeship she began making plans for a journey West – to Cormyr, the Sword Coast, and the Moonshae Isles – in order to find aid for the noble old cause of Cormanthyr. Dara further wished to warn other lands of the growing darkness from the South, which many elves believe is eventually going to spread. Kirion urged his sister to stay home and avoid such risky travel, but when she could not be dissuaded he vowed to accompany her, and so he rushed to complete his own training. By great and crafty persuasion Kirion was able to convince his arcane mentor Adzhar Silverstorm, a moon-elf warlock, to inscribe a portable spellbook for him several years ahead of the normal time for matriculation. Before leaving the Elven Court, he also found (in the great library) various legends hinting of an ancient martial order of Elves who could weave arcane spells into their very sword techniques. Kirion’s dream is to revive this lost art and build a new academy somewhere which would to teach the hybrid elven magick, which he sometimes calls “the song of the blade” or “twilight swordplay.”
Weapon Proficiencies: (from race) all pulled bows, longsword, short sword; (from class) broadsword, dagger
THAC0: 21
Melee Weapon: Longsword +1, 1d8+1/1d12+1; backstab +5, x2 dmg. Dagger +0, 1d4+1/1d3+1; backstab +1, x2 dmg
Missile Weapon: Longbow +3, 1d6/1d6, RoF 2, RI 70ft.
Non-proficiency penalty: -3
**Summary of Elven Racial abilities:**
• +1 dexterity, -1 constitution
• 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells
• Any pulled bow, Longsword, Short sword: +1 to hit
• Languages (as listed above), bonus for Int 16+ only
• Infravision: 60 ft.
• Detect portals: 1 in 6 chance to notice secret door within 10 ft. 2 in 6 to discover secret door when searching. 3 in 6 to discover concealed door when searching.
• Surprise: 4 in 6 chance to surprise when more than 90 ft. from ‘noisy folk.’ Opening door (or similar task) drops chance of surprise to 2 in 6
Class Special Abilities:
**Magic-User Spells:** (1st level) find familiar, read magic, shield, sleep
**Thief Functions:** Backstab +4 to hit and x2 damage, Climb Wall 75%, Find Traps 35%, Hear Noise 15%, Hide in Shadow/foliage 35%, Move Quietly 30%, Open Lock/Remove Trap 35%, Pick Pocket/sleight of hand 40%, Read Languages 11%.
Long Bow (60gp)
24 Arrows (4gp)
Elven Court Sword (long) & scabbard (15gp)
Dagger (2gp)
Leather Armour (5gp)
Horse, rouncy mare (25gp) ‘Phantom’
Saddle, stirrup, reins, bit & bridle (12gp)
Small saddle pack (3gp)
Bedroll (5sp)
Hammer (5sp) & 12 iron spikes (1gp)
Hooded lantern (7 gp)
2 pints oil (2sp)
Quiver (holds 24 arrows) (2gp)
10 days trail rations (6gp)

2 waterskins (2gp)
Soft boots (1gp)
Leather cloak (3sp)
Linen doublet & hose (4gp)
Elven Thelarr (aka Whistlecane) (6gp)
Flint & steel (1gp)
Wealth: 0 gp, 25sp

4. Name: Jodoinus House of Astier Bodyguard of The Great Cleric (Ryan PC)
Jodoinus, House of Astier
Body Guard of The Great Cleric
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Language: Common, Aglarondum (native tongue), Cormanthan, Espruar, Drueidan
Level: 1 XPs: 1000/2550
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Torm (god of duty, loyalty, obedience, paladins)
AC: 1/4
Hit Points: 10
STR 16 (0/+1) DEX 17 (+2/+2/-3) CON 14 INT 14 (+4) WIS 15 (+1) CHA 17 (8)
Appearance: 5' 11", dark blue eyes, short cut black hair, lean but muscular build, lightly tanned, a face of "an angel" as the ladies like to claim, clean shaven
Age: 20
Background: Jodoinus was born in the House of Astier, a prominant merchant family which had a seat on the city-state Tantras High Council. He was the youngest of 6 (Eldest a son, 4 girls, Jodoinus). He was drawn to the worship of Torm at an early age upon hearing stories that the god had taken residence in the city. When he was 13 he became the squire of a Soldier of Torm (paladin) and worked toward becoming a Soldier of Torm as well. His father was very upset that his youngest son had abandoned the merchant life, disowning Jodoinus when he became a squire. Little did that matter to Jodoinus, his devotion to his god was so deep. After being "presented" to Torm and blessed, he was assigned as the body guard of a cleric of Torm (The Great Cleric).

THAC0: 20
Melee Weapon: (Specialization): Longsword (specialize) +1 to hit +3 damage, extra attack per 2 rounds
Melee Weapon: Horseman's (Heavy) Pick +1 damage
Non proficiency penalty: -2
Paladin Class Abilities:
* Improved saving throws
* Cure disease: Can cure disease (as the clerical spell) by touch, once per week/5th level twice per week/10th level thrice per week.
* Immune to disease
* Detect evil: Detect evil at any range up to 60 ft at will, provided he concentrates
* Protection from evil: A Radiates an aura within a 10 ft radius, equivalent to the clerical spell protection from evil
* Lay on hands: Once per day, may heal 2 hp/level to any creature touched
**Advanced Abilities**
* Turn undead (3rd): At third level and higher gain the ability to turn undead as a good aligned cleric does, but as a cleric of two levels lower than the paladin’s level.
* Summon warhorse (4th): At fourth level, may summon a special Paladin’s Warhorse, a heavy warhorse with enhanced hit points, intelligence and movement speed. Such a destrier may be called only once every ten years.
* Bonus attacks (8th): Gain additional attacks as fighters do, but less swiftly. Has one attack at 1st to 7th level, 3/2 attacks at 8th to 14th level, and two attacks at 15th level and above. Weapon specialisation may specialise as fighters do, save that receive fewer proficiencies and gain extra attacks more slowly as described above.
* Clerical spellcasting (9th): Gain the ability to cast certain cleric spells at 9th level
**Class Restrictions**
1. May never possess more than ten magic items,and no more than a single suit of magic armour with no more than one magic shield may be so owned.
2. Must always give away a tenth of any money which he receives to some Lawful Good cause, and if he has any money remaining after paying his costs (such as maintaining equipment and paying servants’ wages) this surplus must be likewise donated.
3. Will not associate with characters who are not Good in alignment save under very exceptional circumstances (i.e., if approved by the GM).
Coat of Arms of the City-State Tantras
Longsword (15gp)
Horseman's (heavy) pick (8gp)
Black Banded Armor (90gp)
Horse, rouncy (25gp)
Saddle & stirrups (10gp)
Reins, bit & bridle (2gp)
Flint & Steel (1gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Bedroll (2sp)
Heavy boots (2gp)
(10) Chalk (10cp)
Whetstone (2cp)
Large belt pouch (4sp)
50' Hemp rope (1gp)
(5) Torches (5cp)
Silver holy symbol (25gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Wealth: 16gp, 4sp, 83cp

Arkady DeLuth of Waterdeep

5. Name: Arkady DeLuth
 (Steve PC)

Class: Illusionist
Race: Human
Language: Common, Northern (native tongue), Illuskan, Chondathan, Espruar/Elvish Common, Daraktan/Orcish, Gnim/Gnomish
Level: 1 XPs: 1,700/2,500
Alignment: CG
AC: 7/10
Hit Points: 5
Deity: Mystra (Lady of Mysteries, Mother of All Magic)
STR 11 DEX 17 (+2, +2, -3) CON 15 (+1) INT 16 (5) WIS 14 CHA 12 (5)
Appearance: 6', 143lb (tall and very slim), clean shaven, pale skin, short black hair and brown eyes.
Age: 30
Background: Born the youngest of 3 children to a reasonably successful Waterdeep merchant family. The DeLuth's specialise in household equipment and foodstuffs. From an early age it was clear that Arkady was not interested in his family's mundane business affairs, despite their best attempts. The only thing he was interested in was magic, so they sent him to be trained as a mage. The mages soon realised that his gifts lay in the art of the illusionist. He kept in touch with his family by letter for the years he was away, but as his apprenticeship got closer to completion it became more obvious that his family expected him return to the familiy business and relegate his illusionist skills to a mere hobby. Arkady was having none of this, and when he heard the call for hero's he decided to respond, writing to his family and telling them he will only return to them once he is done with adventuring.
THAC0: 20
Melee Weapon: dagger d4/d3 (+2 to-hit when thrown, #AT2)
Non proficiency penalty: -5
SA: Spellcasting
**Spells Memorized:** color spray
City-State of Waterdeep
spellbook (phantasmal force, color spray, chromatic orb, detect invisibility)
dagger x4
pouch, large
parchment x10 (in leather scrollcase)
ink, vial
quill x2
Rations (trail) 5 days
horse, rouncey
hooded lantern
lamp oil x3
Flint & steel
boots, soft
trousers x2
Tunic x2>belt
Wealth: 49gp, 4sp

Ham, Half-Orc Fighter
6. Name: Ham, Half-Orc Fighter (Chris PC)
Age. 16
Level 1. XP 1000/1,900
Strength 18/84 (+2/+4. +150lbs enc. 1-4, 30%)
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 11
Dexterity 16 (+1/-2)
Constitution 18 (+4. 100/99%)
Charisma 12 (15)
Appearance Ham is big, properly big. 6'6" tall and 250lbs. Bullet headed and square jawed with bright intelligent black eyes. Only the grey pallor of his skin gives away his ancestry.
Personality. Think New York, wise guy with a heart of gold. Ham has never left Waterdeep before (Hells, why would you want to?)
Hit Points 14
Alignment Neutral Good (Lathander)
Languages. Common, Northern, Thorastan. (He's never lived or known Orcs so doesn't know the language).
Armour Class Banded Mail & Shield -2 for Dexterity of 16 = 1 (Move 90')
Double Weapon Spec. Spear (3/2 rounds, +5 to hit, +7 damage. 1d6/1d8)
Other Weapon Profs. Dart (3/round, +2 to hit, +4
damage. 1d3/1d2)
SA: (Infravision 60')
Banded Mail (enc. 35)
Shield, Large (enc. 10)
6 Darts (enc. 3)
War Spear (enc. 5)
Satchel (enc. 5) 
Water Skin (enc. 1)
Flint & steel (enc. 0)

7. Name: Norrin, Son of Thorrin (Geoff PC)
Class: Fighter
Race: Male Human
Languages: Common, Fusilest (native tongue of the Moonshae Northmen), Chondathan (common trade language throughout Faerun), Illuskan (Moonshae dialect, spoken by the Ffolk and Northmen), Orcish 
Level: 2
XP: 1,950(+bonus) /4,250
Alignment: Chaotic Good
AC: 4/5
Hit Points: 18
STR 17 (+1, +1) DEX 14 CON 15 (+1) INT 10 (2) WIS 13 CHA 9 (4)
Appearance: 6' 2" and 200 lbs. Tall and medium-built, Norrin has long blond hair and blue eyes. He's usually clean-shaven with stubble on his face. His clothing and equipment is of simple yet serviceable design, worn but in otherwise good condition.
Age: 19
Background: Norrin is the only son of a minor lord among the Northmen of the Moonshae Isles, and his mother was a young maiden from among the Ffolk. Thorrin Axeswinger and Kyla Nevermoor lived in a village on the northern shore of Gwynneth. Thorrin co-ruled the village with Kyla's father, Oram. It was not unheard of for Northmen and Ffolk to live in harmony, and marriages among the two peoples was common. And this was the case with Thorrin and Kyla, with Oram's blessing. A great gala followed the ceremony, in which both the Druid of the Earthmother and the Warpriest of Tempus presiding. Afterward, Thorrin and Kyla retired to their new home. When they awoke in the morning, they discovered that a Northman raiding fleet was heading towards the village on a plundering mission. Most of the people were unconcerned, since this has happened before, and the raiding Northmen usually take only valuables and livestock, and no one gets hurt. This time was different. As soon as the raiders landed, mayhem ensued. Many villagers were killed and buildings were burned. The village was razed to the ground. Trying to protect his young wife, Thorrin put her into a boat and climbed in himself, with the intent of going to the next village to seek help. The raiding Northmen were hot upon their heels. After a long chase, the two eventually got away from the Moonshaes. Unfortunately, they were separated, and Kyla found herself standing at the gates of Waterdeep, with nothing but the tattered clothes on her back and a few small gems that Thorrin had pressed into her hand at the last minute. Kyla managed to get a job as a chambermaid for a kindly innkeeper and his wife, and this, along with the few gems she had, managed to give her enough security to eventually give birth to a healthy baby boy, whom she named Norrin. Because of her deep love for Thorrin, she taught her young son the ways of the Northmen, but also of the ways of the Ffolk. She made sure he received the best upbringing she could give him and made sure he that he learned, above all, about honour. Norrin had a happy childhood growing up in Waterdeep and the surrounding countryside, and was fascinated by the taproom storytellers; he loved to hear about far-off Shadowdale, the shining knights of Cormyr, the pirates of the Inner Sea, and dragons. Unfortunately, when in his late teens, his mother caught a dreadful disease from which she never recovered, and she died, leaving Norrin to fend for himself. Remembering his mother's stories about his strong, powerful Northman father, and how they were separated before he was born, Norrin decided to seek out his father, if he was still alive. Gathering his mother's few belongings and her meager savings, Norrin purchased what little equipment he could, and set off to discover the world... 
THAC0: 19
Melee Weapon: (Specialization): longsword x2 spec (+3,+3) #ATT 3/2 THAC0 15 dam 1d8+4/1d12+4
Melee Weapon: Dagger, +1 to hit +1 to dmg
Missile Weapon: Longbow
Non proficiency penalty: -2
Bonus Attacks: Fighters with melee weapons attack once per round at 1st to 6th levels (1/1 attacks); at 7th to 12th levels, they attack thrice every two rounds (3/2 attacks); and at 13th or higher levels they attack twice per round (2/1 attacks). A partial additional attack (e.g. 3/2 attacks) means that the extra attack is taken on odd-numbered rounds in the combat sequence, hence two attacks on the first round, one on the second, two on the third and one on the fourth, if applicable.
Fighting the Unskilled: When the fighter is attacking creatures with less than a full hit die (i.e. less than 1d8 hit points), the fighter receives one attack for each of his or her levels of experience
NB: A fighter exercising multiple attacks departs from the normal initiative procedure. The fighter will automatically attack first in the round unless fighting an opponent with multiple attacks of its own (in which case initiative should be rolled as normal). The fighter’s second attack in any given melee round will come last in the sequence.
chain mail
medium shield
quiver with 24 arrows
2 daggers
flint & steel
lantern, hooded
oil, pint (3)
pouch, belt, large
Kade, The Wandering Druid
rations, trail (7 days)
rope, hemp (50 ft)
Wealth: 59 gp

8. Name: Kade, The Wandering Druid (Roxy PC)
Class: Druid
Race: Human
Languages: Common, Druidic, Undercommon, Auld Cormanthan (Native), Auld Wyrmish (Dragon Common), Luiric (Halflings of Luiren), Riftspeak (Gold Dwarf)
Level: 4
XPs: 9,800/12,000
Alignment: N
AC: 5
Hit Points: 19
Deity: Silvanus
STR 13 DEX 11 CON 10 INT 12 (3) WIS 16 (+2) CHA 8 (3)
Appearance: 6' 4", 260 lbs. Long reddish browhhair, sharp gray eyes, and a beaked nose. Wears hide armor and stag antlers.
Age: 26 yrs
Background: Kade is searching for his missing younger brother and his family.
Weapons Permitted: Club, dagger, dart, hammer, oil, scimitar, sling, spear, staff
Weapon Proficiencies: 2 + 1 every 3 levels
Penalty to hit for non-proficiency: -4
THAC0: 18
Spear +1 dmg 1d6(s/m), 1d8(l)
Scimitar dmg 1d8
Long Bow (non-proficience): dmg 1d6, -4 to hit
Bonus spells 2/2
Druids’ Cant: All druids speak a secret language called the druids’ cant. The druidic cant cannot be learned by non-druids (unless otherwise noted, such as in the case of higher-level assassins).
Saving Throw Bonus: All druids gain a saving throw bonus of +2 against fire and lightning attacks of all kinds.
Spell Casting: Druids may memorise and cast druidic spells
Druid’s Knowledge (3rd): At third level and higher, a druid can identify plant and animal types, and can determine when water is pure and safe to drink.
Wilderness Movement (3rd): At third level and higher, a druid can move through any natural undergrowth leaving no trace of his or her passage, and may do (so with no reduction in his or her normal movement speed.
Immunity to Fey Charm (7th): At seventh level and higher, the druid becomes immune to charms and other such mental enchantments cast by fey creatures such as dryads, pixies, brownies, etc.
Shapeshift (7th): Druids of 7th level or higher may change their forms up to three times per day. The form assumed must be a natural animal, no smaller than a mouse, and no larger than double the druid’s normal weight; in the process of shapeshifting, the druid recovers 1d6 × 10 percent of any hit points
Spells: (require mistletoe, holly, or [if neither can be found] oak leaves to cast their spells, and one of these is a required component for all druidic spells unless a druidic spell has no material component specified in the spell description)
Druid Spells Per Day:  4(+2) 4(+2) 2
--1st Level Spells--
Animal Friendship, Detect Magic, Detect Pits & Snares, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Invisibility to Animals, Locate Animals, Pass Without Trace, Predict Weather, Purify Water, Shillelagh, Speak with Animals
--2nd Level Spells--
Barkskin, Charm Person or Mammal, Create Water, Cure Light Wounds, Feign Death, Fire Trap, Heat Metal, Locate Plants, Obscurement, Produce Flame, Trip, Warp Wood
--3rd Level Spells--
Call Lightning, Cure Disease, Hold Animal, Neutralise Poison, Plant Growth, Protection From Fire, Pyrotechnics, Snare, Stone Shape, Summon Insects, Tree, Water Breathing
Spear +1 (3000gp)
Scimitar (15gp)
Long Bow (30gp)
Hide Cape (20gp)
**Ankheg Chitin armour (75gp value)
2 doz Arrows (4gp)
Quiver, holds 24 arrows (25sp)
Horse, rouncey (25gp)
Mule, pack (18gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Bedroll (2sp)
Woolen Blanket (5cp)
Soft Boots (1gp)
Leather Archery Bracer (8sp)
Flink & Steel (1gp)
Bullseye Lantern (12gp)
5 pints of lamp oil (5sp)
Dagger (2gp)
Iron pot (5sp)
Large belt pouch (4sp)
14 Days Field Rations (84gp)6
Halter & lead for mule (2gp)
Bit, Bridle, & Reins (2gp)
50' Hemp Rope (1gp)
Large sack (15cp)
Pack saddle (10gp)
Saddle & stirrups (10gp)
6 torches (6cp)
3 Waterskins (3gp)
Whetstone (2cp)
Wealth: 15gp, 10 sp, 50cp

**NOTE 1: Non metallic armour AC 5 (weight as chainmail) useable by a Druid 

Adoptable NPCs
Sister Cadaywin,
Cleric of Selûne

1. Name: Sister Cadaywin
Class: Cleric of Selûne
Race: Human
Languages: (Characters automatically know their native language and Common Tongue. Please choose bonus languages from link posted Character Creation)
Level: 1
XPs: 0/1550
Alignment: Neutral
AC: 10
Hit Points: 8
Deity: Selûne, Our Lady of Silver, Moonmaiden (Goddess of good and neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, prophecy, questers, and stars)
STR 10 DEX 13 CON 12 INT 16 (5, 7min, 11max)  WIS 16 (Bonus Spells 2/2) CHA 14 (6)
Appearance: 5' 1"
Age: 22
Background: Was a foundling on the steps of Deepwater's Temple of Selûne steps. Raised by the Sisters and Brothers of the temple. 
Weapon: Proficiency--2+1 per lvl), Blunt only—club, flail, hammer, mace, oil, staff; clerics may hurl hammers, clubs, or oil, but may not employ other missile weapons (2+1 per 3 lvls)
Heavy Flail: dmg--1d6+1(s/m), 2d4(L)
Heavy War hammer: dmg--1d6+1(s/m), 1d6(L)
nonproficiency penalty: -3
Class Abilities: Spell casting, +10% earned experience, Turn away or command undead, May use any armor, restricted to blunt weapons.
Clerical Enchantment/Charm
Level: 1
Range: 10 ft
Duration: 1 round
AOE: 1 living creature
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: See below
By speaking a single word of command with the force of divine power behind it, the cleric may force a creature to obey an order. The creature must be able to hear the cleric and understand the language in which he or she utters the command. The command may be only one word, must be a verb, and must be completely unambiguous. “Halt,” “Flee,” and “Sleep” are typical commands, but many others are possible. The effects may not extend beyond a single round, and the command “Die” has the same effect as the command to “Sleep”. Creatures with intelligence of 13+ and/or hit dice of 6+ gain a saving throw against the spell’s influence.
Cure Light Wounds (Reversible)
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous (permanent)
AOE: Creature touchedgp
Components: V,S
Casting time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: None (Neg.)
Cure light wounds allows the cleric to lay hands upon a wounded creature, restoring 1d8 hit points to the spell’s benefi ciary. The reverse of the spell operates in the same manner (although requiring a to hit roll), but inflicts 1d8 hit points rather than healing. If the cleric fails to hit while casting cause light wounds, the spell is lost. This spell does not heal disease, reattach limbs, or bring back the dead, nor can it add hit points beyond a character’s normal number. Non-corporeal creatures are not affected by this spell, nor are undead, nor are creatures that are harmed only by iron, silver, or magical weapons.
Temple of Selune, Waterdeep
Heavy Flail (3gp)
Heavy War Hammer (7gp)
Rouncey Horse, gelding--dark chestnut w/flaxen main & tail (25gp)
Backpack  (10gp)
Bedroll (2sp)
Soft goots (1gp)
Saddle & stirrups (10gp)
reins, bit & bridle (5 gp)
Hooded cloak (3cp)
Pewter holy symbol (5gp)
Cloak pin (4 sp)
Small belt pouch (2gp)
Signal whistle (8sp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Pack mule(18 gp)
Wealth: 22gp, 4sp, 97cp


Skyler Grimm
Innkeeper of Sword & Owl Tavern,
 Olostin's Hold, High Forest
Barmaid at Sword & Owl Tavern
Olostin's Hold, High Forest
Crisdean of Everlund,
Member of the Ranger Council
Ranger Protector of High Forest



High Priestess Amathea
Temple of Selûne